Brownie Cupcakes
And here's my recipe:
(makes about 20 Cupcakes)
250 g chocolate
225 g butter
500 g sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
6 large eggs
190 g flour
And heres what you do!
Chop your chocolate into chunks
place it in a microwave proof bowl
along with the butter
Melt the butter and chocolate in the micro for about 2 minutes
Now, get the sugar
Stir the melted choc and butter well before you add the sugar
Once the sugar is blend in, let the batter cool for a few minutes
before you add the eggs
One at the time!
Stir well until all eggs are incorporated
Now get the flour
Add half of the flour, and mix
Brownie batter done!
If you want, add 2 cups of your favorite candy into the batter
I put Daim in these brownie Cupcakes
the perfect brownie batter is thick and dark |
Line a Cupcake pan
Get ready to do some scooping
Fill the liners up! About 2/3 full
These Cupcakes will rise while baking, then fall back down
Bake for about 20 minutes
at 325F (170C)
Lovely Brownie Cupcakes
crusty on the top, yummy & gooey inside |
I frosted my brownie Cupcakes
with vanilla buttercream
Perfect Brownie Cupcakes |
Happy Birthday Ida!